Custom House Painting
Interior & Exterior

Contact Us


I am Sebastian Gonzalez, the owner of Gonzalez Painting. I stated in the house painting busines over 20 years ago. After 10 years of learning the busines, gaining a lot of experience, and friends I decided to start my own Custom House Painting company.

My customers satisfation is my most important goal.

Most of our clients are repeting customers or have been by referred from existing customers.

Our Customers Love us!

  • "Sebastian is honest, reliable, knowledgable, and competitive"
  • "His attention to detail is world-class"
  • "Always exceeded my expectations"

Our Portfolio

Here is a small sample of our Interior, Exterior, and Commerctial work in the San Francisco peninsula and surrounding areas.


This is what are our customers say about us, our professionalism, and the quality of our work:

I Have been a home builder for 42 years in the Bay Area. I think I first met Sebastian Gonzalez 25 years ago when he was working for another painting contractor. He was one of the reasons I used that contractor for all my work. When he got his license I gave him all the work I could. He has done all my personal properties for over 20 years. He recently painted a 12 unit new apartment building. Great job as usual. I have referred him to countless people. All very pleased. He is very disciplined. Shows up on time, gets the job done and leaves the job spotless. He is very trustworthy and honest. I would recommend him to anyone from interior repaint to new custom homes

Jim Chesler
Chesler Construction

Get Our Service

I will be happy to give you a free estimate and a comprehensive description of the job as well as any recommendations or assistance you may need to complete your project.

Contact Us

For a free consultation, estimate, or expert recommendation.

Area of Service

San Francisco Peninsula

Phone Number

+1 650-787-0304